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Group Booking: Planning a Group Travel to Malmö / Vellinge

Are you organizing a group trip? Make the most of our exclusive group booking deals! Whether you're traveling with friends, family, or colleagues, we offer fantastic discounts and special perks for group stays. Experience comfortable, budget-friendly accommodations while discovering the city together. Reach out to us today for more details and to reserve your group stay!

Frequently Question
Group Booking Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum number of Guests Required

The minimum number of guests required for our group booking discounts is 10. Please contact us to learn more about our current offers.

How to make a reservation?

To make a reservation request please write to and specify:

  • how many people
  • from date and to date
  • do you want breakfast?

Terms and Conditions

  • 20% payment at the time of Booking
  • Cancellation 7 days before arrival, get 10% refund
  • Remaining 10% is non refundable in case of cancellation
  • Remaining 80% payment before or at the time of Check-In.
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Breakfast, Lunch/Dinner

We offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner for group bookings. Please book at least 1 week in advance before your arrival.


75 Kr per person per day

Breakfast timings (7:00 AM till 10:00 AM)

Breakfast Menu: 

  • Cornflakes, Muesli,
  • Yogurt, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Juices 
  • Fruits, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, 
  • Bread, Butter, Cheese, Nutella, Chicken / Ham slices, Scrambled / Boiled eggs
  • Cake slices
  • For lactose intolerant: lactose-free milk, Bread, yoghourt, butter and cheese (information in advance)

Lunch or Dinner: 

175 Kr per person per day. We serve authentic Indian cuisine. 

Option 1:

  • Samosa: Savoury pastry filled with potatoes, peas, and sometimes other vegetables, that is fried until crispy
  • Cola, Fanta, Beer (3.5%)
  • Basmati Rice


Select any 2 curry (Mild)

  • Chicken Butter Masala: Chicken cooked in a rich tomato-based gravy with a touch of butter and cream 
  • Paneer Tikka Masala: Paneer cooked with red onion, tomato, ginger, garlic and spices
  • Lamb Kadai: Lamb cooked with blend of spices & thick tomato based gravy

Option 2

  • Papad
  • Cola, Fanta, Beer (3.5%)
  • Raita: Yogurt with cut vegetables


Select any 2 Biryani (Mild)

  • Chicken Biryani: Tender Chicken cooked with fragrant spices and layered with aromatic basmati rice
  • Lamb Biryani: Tender Lamb cooked with fragrant spices and layered with aromatic basmati rice
  • Vegetable Biryani: Vegetable cooked with fragrant spices and layered with aromatic basmati rice


Option 3

  • Cola, Fanta, Beer (3.5%)
  • Pizza, French Fries, Salad

Nature Shelter Hotel in Åsljunga, Urban Comfort in Swedish Nature with a Vibrant Touch of India

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